Scissor Mechanism

Compare two scissor mechanisms
The right one is an ordinary scissor mechanism of three identical large rhombi.
The left one is a special scissor mechanism of two large rhombi and one small rhombus.
Length of violet bars: a
Length of pink bars: a + 2a
Length of blue bars: 2a + 2a
Length of green bars: 2a
Red identical cams give orange sliders the same displacement S.
- Left mechanism: displacement of the brown roller L1:
L1 = S + 2.n.S
n: number of large rhombi created by the bars.
Here n = 2, so L1 = 5.S
- Right mechanism: displacement of the brown roller L2:
L2 = n.S
Here n = 3, so L1 = 3.S
L1 is larger than L2